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10 Secrets to Success with Shopify

Secrets to Success with Shopify

In less than a decade, the eCommerce space has seen incredible development and has created countless tools for brands and retailers to streamline online shopping for consumers, allowing them to remain competitive in the face of a wildly growing industry. Among the most popular platforms for eCommerce businesses is Shopify.

Shopify is growing rapidly with merchants spread across 175 countries. It surpassed one million merchants worldwide on its platform in October 2019 and well over 1 billion orders have been processed on Shopify so far. It’s growing popularity can be attributed to increasingly sophisticated software designed specifically with online retailers in mind. Well over 1 billion orders have been processed on Shopify so far, with more than $135+ billion in total sales for merchants on the platform as of October 2019.

It’s a powerful platform that can help more eCommerce businesses, from all nooks and crannies in the world, reach a larger target audience with sophisticated technology that supports end-to-end eCommerce requirements.

Here are 10 best practices to help you boost your success with Shopify:

Pre-Launch Preparation

Before you launch your eCommerce site or take it to the next level, you might want to take action to prepare for maximum impact.

  • 1. Secure Your Audience: Don’t assume your target audience has been anxiously awaiting your site’s launch as much as you have. In fact, there’s a good chance that — without the appropriate precautions — they may not know about it at all. Be sure to know where to find them and how to get them talking about your business.
  • 2. Jumpstart Your Outreach: Long before your site’s launch is imminent, start collecting email addresses and building your media list. Marketing is key to the long-term success of any site, and it’s never too early to start laying the groundwork. At the very least, install a “coming soon” banner on your site. Additionally, make intelligent use of social media by creating engaging pages on Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and others. Onboard influencers, run pre-launch contests and promo offers to build anticipation and grow your follower base which can later turn into loyal customers.

The Value of Optimization

It may be true that “practice makes perfect,” but you still want to aim for your site to be as pristine as possible before you launch. Once optimization is in place, visitors to your site will have a better understanding of what your business is about and why they should buy from you.

  • 3. Support Multi-platform Usability: With so many consumers turning to mobile devices for their internet usage, it’s imperative that your eCommerce site be optimized for multiple mobile platforms. Smartphones and tablets are the way of the future, and your site should feature streamlined layouts tailored to each of these formats.
  • 4. Ensure Effective Security: If consumers can’t trust that their payment information is safe on your site, you can bet that they will simply move on to one of your competitors. So display your site’s SSL certificate as well as the logo for any third-party security companies you may be working with to keep your customers secure.
  • 5. Create Mindful Navigation: Security and performance are essential elements of your site’s optimization, but users also need to be able to easily navigate through your inventory. A clear menu system is a must-have, as is a search box. However, don’t neglect each individual product you offer. Include detailed product descriptions and original photos to help users get a better sense of what you have to offer.

Performance Testing/Analytics

Once you’re up and running, the work doesn’t stop there. To keep your site in top shape, you’ll want to have a clear structure to measure performance.

  • 6. Keep it Simple Upfront: Regardless of what kind of analytics you use, don’t overcomplicate things right out the gate. Starting up a new site (or giving an existing one such a deep overhaul) is bound to be fraught with complexities. Early on, begin with a straightforward service like Google Analytics and gradually build out from there.
  • 7. Be Comprehensive: Performance testing is designed to ensure a consistent experience for users through all facets of your business. For that reason, it’s essential that your analytics deliver in-depth figures with the insight you need on every aspect of your site’s performance, from page loading to the checkout process and everything in between. 
  • 8. Make use of plug-in tools: On Shopify app store, merchants can choose from a wide variety of tools and applications to enhance their businesses and provide elevated customer experience. From smart pricing, analytics, and drop-shipping to privacy, customer support, video content, and everything in between, Shopify app store’s app integrations will help you streamline, upgrade, and grow your online business.

Content Marketing

Even with all of the other marketing and advertising efforts you put in to promote your business, content marketing is still one of the strongest ways to make a splash and keep your prospects engaged long after your store has launched. Studies continue to indicate that it’s a surefire way to keep existing customers coming back for more as well as an effective SEO driven way to drive prospects to your site and your products.

Here are a few content marketing best practices for your Shopify store:

  1. 9. Maintain an Engaging Blog: While content marketing has continued to evolve, blogs remain amongst the most popular forms of content out there. Articles on topics related to your business help demonstrate your knowledge and authority, and the inclusion of outbound links only perpetuates the goals of awareness and respectability. Make sure to invite guest bloggers and continuously create and promote compelling content on trending topics.
  2. 10. Focus on Video Content: Creating original video content that will rein in prospects and existing customers is a smart way to keep your site’s performance up. Experiment with a variety of video content like fun DIY videos, customer testimonials, and product reviews. Try to collaborate with celebrities and influencers who can help in promoting your business to a larger audience and reign in new customers. 

Born to Shopify

As Shopify continues to facilitate eCommerce businesses for global retailers and helps them grow their audience and expand their reach, Intelligence Node has decided to join the Shopify bandwagon by announcing the launch of its dynamic pricing app, PriceIntel AI, for Shopify merchants across the globe. Now, Shopify retailers will enjoy the same AI driven pricing intelligence battle tested by global Fortune 500 retailers. 

With Shopify at your disposal, your eCommerce site will be working with one of the most respected and extensive resources out there. From customization to easy management of your products, Shopify is certainly one of the best ways to super-charge your eCommerce site, expand your reach, and boost your potential profits. Moreover, the Shopify App Store has a plethora of advanced plug-in tools and applications to enhance your e-store experience and increase margins and profitability. With Shopify at your disposal, the sky’s the limit. 

Want to take your Shopify pricing strategy to the next level? We invite you to download our free 10 SHOPIFY PRICING STRATEGIES eBook. Click below to take advantage of this opportunity!

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